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Local-Micro-Zone-Wise Time-Resolved Integrated Digital Image Correlation for Evaluating the Mechanical Properties of Welding Joints 期刊论文
EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES, 2023, 卷号: 47, 期号: 5, 页码: 973-987./通讯作者:Liu, Z.
Authors:  Li, Y.;  Zhao, J.;  Zhou, J.;  Yang, Y.;  黄先富.;  Liu, Z.
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Stir friction welding  DIC method  Automatic partition  Parameter inversion  Plasticity theory  
Estimation Method of Relative Slip in Fretting Fatigue Contact by Digital Image Correlation 期刊论文
METALS, 2022, 卷号: 12, 期号: 7, 页码: 15./通讯作者:Shi, Hui-Ji
Authors:  Su, Yue;  Rui SS(芮少石);  Han, Qi-Nan;  Shang, Zhi-Hao;  Niu, Li-Sha;  Li, Hao;  Ishikawa, Hiroshi;  Shi, Hui-Ji
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fretting fatigue  digital image correlation  relative slip  tangential contact stiffness