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Effect of curvature on the hypersonic turbulent boundary over the curved compression ramp 期刊论文
PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2025, 卷号: 37, 期号: 1, 页码: 17./通讯作者:Liu, Hongwei, Yu, Changping
Authors:  Shi, Xiaotian;  Liu WH(刘万海);  Ji XX(纪相鑫);  Sun, Xuecheng;  Liu HW(刘洪伟);  Li XL(李新亮);  Yu ZP(于长平)
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A modified wall-adapting local eddy-viscosity model for large-eddy simulation of compressible wall-bounded flow 期刊论文
PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2022, 卷号: 34, 期号: 11, 页码: 10./通讯作者:Yu, Changping
Authors:  Qi H(齐涵);  Li XL(李新亮);  Yu, Changping
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Quasi-dynamic subgrid-scale kinetic energy equation model for large-eddy simulation of compressible flows 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, 2022, 卷号: 947, 页码: 32./通讯作者:于长平
Authors:  Qi H(齐涵);  Li XL(李新亮);  Hu RN(胡润宁);  Yu ZP(于长平)
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turbulence modelling  
Subgrid-scale helicity equation model for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows 期刊论文
PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2021, 卷号: 33, 期号: 3, 页码: 13
Authors:  Qi H(齐涵);  Li XL(李新亮);  Yu ZP(于长平)
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Energy transport characteristics of converging Richtmyer-Meshkov instability 期刊论文
AIP ADVANCES, 2020, 卷号: 10, 期号: 10, 页码: 12./通讯作者:Li, Xinliang
Authors:  Fu YW(符耀威);  Yu ZP(于长平);  Li XL(李新亮)
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Subgrid-scale model based on the vorticity gradient tensor for rotating turbulent flows 期刊论文
ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2020, 页码: 9./通讯作者:Yu, Changping
Authors:  Qi H(齐涵);  Li XL(李新亮);  Yu ZP(于长平)
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Large-eddy simulation  Subgrid-scale model  Rotating turbulent channel flow  
Subgrid-scale model for large-eddy simulation of transition and turbulence in compressible flows 期刊论文
PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2019, 卷号: 31, 期号: 12, 页码: 14./通讯作者:Yu, Changping
Authors:  Zhou H(周浩);  Li XL(李新亮);  Qi H(齐涵);  Yu ZP(于长平)
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DNS analysis of the effects of combustion on turbulence in a supersonic H2/air jet flow 期刊论文
AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 93, 页码: 9./通讯作者:Li, Xinliang
Authors:  Fu YW(符耀威);  Yu ZP(于长平);  Yan Z(闫正);  Li XL(李新亮)
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Supersonic combustion  Turbulence jet  Direct numerical simulations  Coherent structures  
Statistical analysis of temperature distribution on vortex surfaces in hypersonic turbulent boundary layer 期刊论文
PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2019, 卷号: 31, 期号: 10, 页码: 7./通讯作者:Li, Xin-Liang
Authors:  Lin X(林鑫);  Tong FL(童福林);  Yu ZP(于长平);  Li XL(李新亮)
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