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Linear stability analysis on flow-induced vibration of an elastically mounted rotating cylinder 期刊论文
Fluids, 2025, 卷号: 10, 期号: 3, 页码: 56./通讯作者:张星
Authors:  Lu JF(卢剑锋);  Zhang ZY(张治愚);  Zhang X(张星)
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linear stability analysis  elastic mode  flow-induced vibration  elastically mounted cylinder  forced rotation  fluid mode  
高动压超声速燃烧热防护初步分析 会议论文
空天飞行高温气动全国重点实验室(筹)2023年度夏季学术交流会暨高温气动学术前沿专题研讨会, 怀来, 2023-8-27 ~ 2023-8-29
Authors:  程迪;  陆阳;  范学军
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超声速燃烧  高动压  热防护  
Self-Propelled Swimming of a Flexible Propulsor Actuated by a Distributed Active Moment 期刊论文
Fluids, 2023, 卷号: 8, 期号: 1, 页码: 29./通讯作者:张星
Authors:  Han CH(韩长鸿);  Zhang ZY(张治愚);  Zhang X(张星)
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self-propulsion  ground effect  turning maneuver  flexible propulsor  fluid-structure interaction  active moment  traveling wave  cruising speed  cost of transport  
JF-12激波风洞并联TSTO飞行器动态分离试验技术进展 会议论文
2022年度LHD夏季学术研讨会暨高温气动学术前沿专题研讨会, 北京怀柔, 2022-08-26
Authors:  王粤;  汪运鹏;  姜宗林
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两级入轨  激波风洞  气动干扰  纵向分离  动态试验  
A Direct-Forcing Immersed Boundary Method for Incompressible Flows Based on Physics-Informed Neural Network 期刊论文
Fluids, 2022, 卷号: 7, 期号: 2, 页码: 56./通讯作者:张星
Authors:  Huang Y(黄毅);  Zhang ZY(张治愚);  Zhang X(张星)
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physics-informed neural networks (PINN)  direct-forcing immersed boundary method  incompressible laminar flow  circular cylinder  
热流传感器传热特性电弧风洞实验及数值模拟 期刊论文
气体物理, 2022, 卷号: 7, 期号: 04, 页码: 83-90
Authors:  周凯;  欧东斌;  张仕忠;  李进平
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高超声速  电弧风洞  塞式量热计  同轴热电偶  热流密度  
一维爆轰波在扰动来流中传播的数值研究 期刊论文
气体物理, 2021, 卷号: 7, 期号: 04, 页码: 1-9
Authors:  郗雪辰;  杨鹏飞;  滕宏辉
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爆轰波  不稳定性  分岔  扰动  两步反应模型  
George Keith Batchelor's Interaction with Chinese Fluid Dynamicists and Inspirational Influence: a historical perspective 期刊论文
Notes and Records:The Royal Society journal of the history of science, 2020, 页码: 10.1098/rsnr.2019.0034
Authors:  Shi JZ
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George Keith Batchelor  Chinese Fluid Dynamicists  Turbulence  Interaction  Inspirational Influence  Physical Thinking  Mathematical Thinking  
Global mapping of live cell mechanical features usingPeakForce QNM AFM 期刊论文
Biophysics Reports, 2020, 卷号: 6, 期号: 1, 页码: 9-18./通讯作者:Shouqin Lü, Mian Long
Authors:  Hu JR(胡锦荣);  Chen SB(陈深宝);  Huang DD(黄丹丹);  Zhang Y(章燕);  Lv SQ(吕守芹);  Long M(龙勉)
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露天浅孔爆破抵抗线计算方法的探讨及其应用 期刊论文
采矿技术, 2020, 卷号: 5, 页码: 164-166
Authors:  丁汉堃;  西子阳;  王彦军
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浅孔爆破  压杆理论  抵抗线