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Hoop and axial plastic buckling modes of submerged cylindrical shells subjected to side-on underwater explosion shock wave 期刊论文
MARINE STRUCTURES, 2022, 卷号: 84, 页码: 20./通讯作者:Nie, Bingchuan
Authors:  Nie BC(聂冰川);  Zhang HQ(张会琴)
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Dynamic buckling  Shock wave  Shell  Fluid-structure interaction  Buckle  
A Few Frontier Issues in Ocean Engineering Mechanics 期刊论文
CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING, 2021, 卷号: 35, 期号: 1, 页码: 1-11
Authors:  Li JC(李家春);  Nie BC(聂冰川)
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tropical cyclone  wind wave  sloshing  cavitation  bubble  vortex-induced vibration  
Assessment of the potential storm tide inundation hazard under climate change: case studies of Southeast China coast 期刊论文
Authors:  Nie BC(聂冰川);  吴西庆勇;  Li JC(李家春);  Xu F
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Storm surge  SEA-LEVEL RISE  Inundation  TROPICAL CYCLONES  Risk assessment  SURGE INTERACTION  Tropical cyclone intensification  MODEL DESCRIPTION  Sea level rise  HURRICANE WAVES  INTENSITY  
Technical potential assessment of offshore wind energy over shallow continent shelf along China coast 期刊论文
RENEWABLE ENERGY, 2018, 卷号: 128, 页码: 391-399./通讯作者:李家春
Authors:  Nie BC(聂冰川);  Li JC(李家春)
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Wind energy  Offshore wind farm  Floating wind turbine  GIS  Surface roughness length  
Effects of tide-surge interaction and wave set-up/set-down on surge: case studies of tropical cyclones landing China's Zhe-Min coast 期刊论文
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2018, 卷号: 8, 期号: 3, 页码: 153-159
Authors:  吴西庆勇;  Li JC(李家春);  Nie BC(聂冰川)
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Tide-surge interaction  Wave set-up  Storm surge  ADCIRC+SWAN  Saomai  
Storm surge prediction: Present status and future challenges 会议论文
IUTAM Symposium on Storm Surge Modelling and Forecasting, 2016, Shianghai, China, October 18, 2017 - October 19, 2017
Authors:  Li JC(李家春);  Nie BC(聂冰川)
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Alarm systems  Climate change  Developing countries  Economics  Floods  Population statistics  Risk analysis  Risk assessment  Risk perception  Storms  Supercomputers  Verification  Extratropical cyclones  IRDR  SLOSH  SPLASH  Storm surges  Tropical cyclone  
Modelling windwave driven by typhoon Chan-Hom (201509) in the East China Sea 期刊论文
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2016, 卷号: 6, 期号: 6, 页码: 297-301
Authors:  Zhang HQ(张会琴);  Nie BC(聂冰川)
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Windwave  Wave Dissipation  Saturation Spectrum  Significant Wave Height  Yphoon  
水下爆炸极端载荷与细长浮体结构响应研究 学位论文
博士论文,北京: 中国科学院大学, 2016
Authors:  聂冰川
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On the regimes of underwater explosion for a submerged slender structure by pulsating bubble 期刊论文
MARINE STRUCTURES, 2015, 卷号: 44, 页码: 85-100
Authors:  Nie BC(聂冰川);  Li JC(李家春);  Zhang HQ(张会琴);  Li, JC (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Key Lab Mech Fluid Solid Coupling Syst, 15 Beisihuanxi Rd, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Submarine  Similarity Analysis  Cauchy Number  Scaling Law  Far-field  
Interaction between Reflected Shock and Bubble in Near-wall Underwater Explosion 期刊论文
Procedia Engineering, 2015, 卷号: 126, 页码: 344-348
Authors:  Nie BC(聂冰川);  Li JC(李家春);  Zhang HQ(张会琴)
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Underwater Explosion  Shock Bubble Interaction  Finite Volume Method  Non-spherical Charge