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Reinforcement Learning for Submodel Assignment in Adaptive Modeling of Turbulent Flames 期刊论文
AIAA JOURNAL, 2024, 页码: 9./通讯作者:Ren, Zhuyin
Authors:  Yang TW(杨天威);  Yin,Yu;  Liu QL(刘起立);  Yu,Tao;  Wang,Yuwang;  Zhou,Hua;  Ren,Zhuyin
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Reinforcement Learning  Thermoacoustic Combustion Instabilities  Computational Fluid Dynamics  Artificial Neural Network  Propulsion and Power  Turbulent Reacting Flow  High Performance Computing  Diffusion Flames  Numerical Combustion  
RelaxNet: A structure-preserving neural network to approximate the Boltzmann collision operator 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, 2023, 卷号: 490, 页码: 112317./通讯作者:Xiao, TB (corresponding author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab High Temp Gas Dynam, Beijing, Peoples R China.
Authors:  Xiao TB(肖天白);  Frank, Martin
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Kinetic theory  Computational fluid dynamics  Scientific machine learning  Artificial neural network  
Artificial neural network based response surface for data-driven dimensional analysis 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, 2022, 卷号: 459, 页码: 19./通讯作者:Wang, Shizhao
Authors:  Xu ZY(许昭越);  Zhang XL(张鑫磊);  Wang SZ(王士召);  He GW(何国威)
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Artificial neural network  Response surface  Data-driven dimensional analysis  Machine learning  Fluid-structure interaction  
Reconstruction model for heat release rate based on artificial neural network 期刊论文
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2021, 卷号: 46, 期号: 37, 页码: 19599-19616./通讯作者:Yao, W, Fan, XJ (corresponding author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, Key Lab High Temp Gas Dynam, Inst Mech CAS, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
Authors:  Li B(李波);  Yao W(姚卫);  Li YC(李亚超);  Fan XJ(范学军)
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Heat release rate (HRR)  Artificial neural network (ANN)  Proper orthogonal -12omposition (POD)  Chemiluminescence  Supersonic hydrogen flame  
Development and application of ANN model for property prediction of supercritical kerosene 期刊论文
Computers and Fluids, 2020, 卷号: 209, 期号: 2020, 页码: 1-18./通讯作者:yao w, fan xj
Authors:  Li B(李波);  Lee YC(李亚超);  Yao W(姚卫);  Fan XJ(范学军)
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Artificial Neural Network (Ann)  Principle Of Extended Corresponding State (Ecs)  Rp-3 Kerosene  Superitical Pressure  Openfoam  
Subgrid-scale model for large-eddy simulation of isotropic turbulent flows using an artificial neural network 期刊论文
COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2019, 卷号: 195, 页码: UNSP 104319./通讯作者:Jin, GD (reprint author)
Authors:  Zhou ZD(周志登);  He GW(何国威);  Wang SZ(王士召);  Jin GD(晋国栋)
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Machine learning  Artificial neural network  Subgrid-scale model  Large-eddy simulation  Isotropic turbulent flows  
Study on Judgment Method of Combustion Mode on Dual-mode Scramjet 会议论文
7th Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science, 7th APCATS 2013, Taiwan, China, MAY 23-26, 2013
Authors:  Chen Q(陈强);  Chen LH(陈立红);  Gu HB(顾洪斌);  Zhang XY(张新宇);  Wang P
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Combustion Mode  Scramjet  Artificial Neural Network  
Study on Judgment Method of Combustion Mode on Dual-mode Scramjet 期刊论文
Procedia Engineering, 2013, 卷号: 67, 页码: 147-154
Authors:  Chen Q(陈强);  Chen LH(陈立红);  Gu HB(顾洪斌);  Zhang XY(张新宇);  Wang P
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Scramjet  Artificial Neural Network