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A diffusive information preservation method for small Knudsen number flows 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, 2013, 卷号: 243, 页码: 179-193
Authors:  Fei F(费飞);  Fan J(樊菁);  Fan, J (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab High Temp Gas Dynam, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Dsmc  Ip  Molecular Diffusion  Time Step  Cell Size  
D-IP方法对各向同性湍流及其输运系数的计算 会议论文
中国力学大会——2013, 中国北京, 2013-08-19
Authors:  费飞;  樊菁;  许春晓;  宋洋;  柳朝晖
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各向同性湍流  D-ip  0输运系数  直接数值模拟  湍流衰减  雷诺应力  湍动能  统计物理  分子速度  输运性质  自相关函数  能谱  流场  相符合:表达式:分子的:相应的:0  
Molecular simulation of small Knudsen number flows 会议论文
28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (RGD), Zaragoza, SPAIN, JUL 09-13, 2012
Authors:  Fei F(费飞);  Fan J(樊菁);  Fei, F (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Mech, State Key Lab High Temp Gas Dynam, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.
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Dsmc  Ip  Molecular Diffusion  Time Step  Cell Size  Rarefied-gas Flows  Low-reynolds-number  Statistical Simulation  Monte-carlo  Flat-plate  Model  
256通道高速数据采集系统 会议论文
LHD2011夏季学术研讨会, 内蒙赤峰, 2011
Authors:  谢旭;  谷笳华
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脉冲风洞  测热  测压  数据采集  Tcp/ip  网络通信  
Kinetic Studies of Gas Flows 会议论文
2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, NOV 30-DEC 03, 2009
Authors:  Fan J(樊菁);  Sun QH(孙泉华);  Fan J
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Kinetic Approach  Micro/nano Flow  Vacuum Chamber  Hypersonic Flow  Dsmc Method  Ip Method  Rayleigh-benard Convection  Monte-carlo Method  Rarefied-gas  Statistical Simulation  
中等Reynolds数平板绕流的动理论分析 期刊论文
力学进展, 2009, 卷号: 39, 期号: 4, 页码: 421-425
Authors:  樊菁;  吴晨曦;  孙泉华;  蒋建政
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平板绕流  郭永怀解  稀薄气体效应  动理论分析  Ip方法  
IP方法模拟硬盘读写头气膜润滑问题 学位论文
博士论文,北京: 中国科学院研究生院, 2009
Authors:  李军
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硬盘读写头  气膜润滑  概括性雷诺方程  Ip方法  Dsmc方法  过渡领域  Lvdsmc方法  The Slider Of The Hard Disk Drive  Air Bearing  The Generalized Reynolds Equation  The Information Preservation (Ip) Method  The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (Dsmc) Method  Transitional Regime  The Low-variance Deviational Simulation Monte Carlo (Lvdsmc)  
Information Preservation Modeling of Rayleigh-Benard Transition from Thermal Conduction to Convection 会议论文
26th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynmaics (RGD26), Kyoto, JAPAN, JUN 20-JUL 25, 2008
Authors:  Zhang J(张俊);  Fan J(樊菁);  Zhang J
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Hydrodynamic Instability  Rayleigh-benard Flows  Dsmc  Ip Method  Rarefied-gas Flows  Monte-carlo Method  Statistical Simulation  Attractors  
IP Simulation of Micro Gas Flows under 3-D Head Sliders 会议论文
26th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics (RGD26), Kyoto, JAPAN, JUN 20-JUL 25, 2008
Authors:  Li J(李军);  Shen Q(沈青);  Fan J(樊菁);  Li J
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Read-write Head Slider  Micro Flows  Dsmc Method  Ip Method  Information Preservation Method  Statistical Simulation  Monte-carlo  Bearings  
机动车检测系统中多功能数据采集器的设计 期刊论文
仪表技术与传感器, 2009, 期号: 7, 页码: 66-68
Authors:  王芳;  刘云飞;  刘云卿;  王玉红
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机动车检测系统  Science-bcj  数据采集和控制  嵌入式tcp/ip